Cowley Road Graffiti

Its a bit special , the Cowley Road!
Massive thanx and respect to all the property owners along the road and surrounding area who have allowed their walls to be decorated so elabourately by so many different artists.
Half the wall artwork you will have seen over the last 5 or so years has been orgonized and funded by the artists themselves.
It has taken years of getting to know,politely asking and sometimes friendily pestering property owners as well as continuously ensuring that a high quality of artists be involved that has enabled the acheivement of so many murals.
The other half has been arranged by mainly the Rap Yard (fantastic youth group who've involved loads of people), Cowley Road Carnival, Fusion(whove done some very intresting stuff including pavement jewlery,some of which got censored,and some very beutifull inscriptions in different languages by a stone mason) and East Oxford Action.
The City Council and even the Police have offered their support on occation.
Then theres a few other projects that I'm not sure how came about.
And I gotta mention the flypost spinning drums on manzil park, designed and welded by Bob, that double up as tibetan prayer wheels (theres real tibetan manuscripts and bells inside them-give ,em a spin!)
We gonna add a lot more flix 2 this section when we getsum....
The flix so far....
The Ankor Wat mural was copied from a photo of a carpet and was done using organic gloss paint.
Holey Wall was painted on a peice of waste ground after the buildings there were demolished and for a while all the walls surrounding the site were graffed , muralized by the locals and their mates. This peice was inspired by the International Solidarity Movement in Palestine and the work of Banksy.
The flats are just a section of the art created by many artists on the flats above the shops on the Cowley Road in Oxford...
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