Monday, May 28, 2007
Saturday, May 26, 2007
Thursday, May 24, 2007
B52 Two found Not Guilty !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

after another week long trial at Bristol Crown Court, the jury decided unanimously that our two friends Phil and Toby did not act unlawfully by entering the U.S. military base in order to try and dissarm some B52 bomber planes to stop them killing civillians in Iraq !!!!!!!!!!!!!
there is some justice in the world..
all the info...
Monday, May 14, 2007

along with about 15 other very diverse artists, including the brilliant work of Tang Jo-Hung...

Also that Crazy U V flourotastic house and gardens, 50 Aston Street in Oxford, has once again opened its doors for the whole of this week,showcasing the works and wonders of many artists.
Its a great place to take kids, the whole house is completely nuts!, theres even a hansel and gretel fairy house and the garden!
...last year it got about 1000 visitors and more has been added since then!
Live Painting >>>>>>>>
Wicked Samba gig last Fridayin Oxford with Sol Samba,The Destroyers,Puno de Dios,MC Steve Larkin,DJ's and us, as the side show freaks! Massive thanx to Bill for sorting the whole thiung out!!!
The music was so good and the dancing wild!
as our stage bounced along, so did our brushes!!
Loads more flix here:

...and Yes those are real titprints!!
The music was so good and the dancing wild!
as our stage bounced along, so did our brushes!!
Loads more flix here:

...and Yes those are real titprints!!
Saturday, May 12, 2007
B52 TWO Back in Court!!!

Banner for the re-trial of the B52 Two ,who took direct action in 2003 in attempt to prevent U.S. bombers from leaving england to bomb Iraq with indiscriminate cluster bombs.
Court case starts this Monday in Bristol Crown Court..
At the previose trial last year the jury could not decide on a verdict.
for all the up to date news and to follow the trial as it unfolds and all other info check ,or better still go turn up at the court to show your support,or get involved with support actions in Oxford...