Wednesday, July 01, 2009
Art by Flo
Hello folks. Hmm. A few teethin problems with the ol' web technology, but finally got website going.
posted by DubZ at 8:45 AM
About Me
- Name: DubZ
all artwork on this blog is copyright 2006, 2007 and 2008 the artists. copyleft also applies depending on the artist.
- phlegm comix!!
- visionon tv!!
- ployp cartoons!
- mr parks!
- decent telly!
- human rights films
- farm yardiez
- surrealist punksters
- our art site funksters
- food 4 free!
- clipperty clop hop pop!
- dope eye candey!
- slavery today...
- blow yor hed off!(surreal art)
- wicked art collective!(UHC)
- mutant mentalists!
- outside the box in a box...
- Monsta Trash!
- Ginger Prawn Star!
- Bike Punk Heaven !
- space highjackers!
- Insides of a millitary base!
- Prison 4 this!?
- Iraq
- Refugee Prisons
- Asylum Welcome
- Independant News
- Independant UK News
- Indipendant Oxford News
- SchNews an Parties!
- V.Tasty Apple Juice
- Puppets n Bikes!!
- Wooster (Street Art!)
- Ekosystem (Street Art!)
- Graff monthly!
- Shtigs site!!
- Ox Graff !
- Punka Pixiez !
- 101ERS!
- TMS!
- DV8
- Endless......
- Cheap Recycled Paint!!!
- Stencil Help
- Make Giant Posters
- Flourotastic!
- Banksy
- Small Kid
- Bombs Away!
- Krazy Roscoe!!
- Warp Speed Characters!
- The Hoursemen of the Apocalypse
- Very Inspiring Nature Sculptures!
- Animated Calligraphy!!
- Parallel Worlds
- Organic d.i.y
- Permaculture Rocks!
- Low Impact Living
- Minimising your Carbon Footprint
- Cartoon Kate
- Festies
- Celtic Knowledge
- Amnesty Int.
- Graff tv!
- Mr. Konf
- Internet TV Revolution!
- @rtSquats!
- Squatters Advice
- Hedgehogz'n'Billbourds'n...
- Badgers....
- The Meatrix
- Hit & Run
- ..heeere's Johnny!
- Psy-Trance
- Crazy Aussi Acoustics!
- Oxfud Artistz!
- Dancing Eye...
- Corporate Watch UK
- Adbusters
- AA
- Drugzadvice:
- Da Management
- Poetic justice...
- Mr Larkin
- Wise up!
- Free Stuff !
- Free Coka-Cola!
- reverse graffiti
- Why Dont You...
- st werburghs
- Celebrations!
- Brand new doodledubster!
- World Peace Day!
- heres some random pictures of graff::::::::::::
- away with da fearies!
- oi mikey angelo! Wass yer poison..
- Art by Flo
- Quetzalcoatl and the Frog......
- July 2006
- August 2006
- September 2006
- October 2006
- November 2006
- December 2006
- January 2007
- February 2007
- March 2007
- April 2007
- May 2007
- June 2007
- July 2007
- August 2007
- September 2007
- October 2007
- November 2007
- December 2007
- January 2008
- February 2008
- March 2008
- April 2008
- May 2008
- June 2008
- July 2008
- August 2008
- September 2008
- October 2008
- November 2008
- December 2008
- January 2009
- February 2009
- March 2009
- April 2009
- May 2009
- June 2009
- July 2009
- August 2009
- September 2009
- October 2009
- November 2009
- June 2010
- July 2010